A state, act or expression of being devoted …
Etymology: Latin noun devotio, is the state, act or expression of being devoted. It is related to the Latin verb devovere – to vow. Devotion is a disposition and readiness of the human will to do promptly whatever gives honor to God. There are two ways of devotion – public or private prayer (worship), or in doing the will of God in a form of service. People inclined and disciplined to do these things are said to be devoted. The root of devotion is a greater love for God. In our itinerary, we list devotion as a public worship conducted during various hours of the day.
Monday following Noon Mass – Miraculous Medal Novena
Tuesday following Noon Mass – St. Anthony Novena
Wednesday following Noon Mass – Infant Jesus of Prague
Thursday before Mass 11:00 AM – Holy Hour Adoration
Friday following Noon Mass – Divine Mercy Novena
Saturday before Mass 11:00 AM – Holy Hour Adoration